Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Forced to Flee  Reflections

1.What is your most memorable moment of the day?

Passport check..things got taken from you
The horrible food  , it made me think how they have to eat it 
Losing my belongings
The walk, tired didn’t know when it would end
Scary in the stretcher
Having to eat rice and soup the whole day
Getting over the fence with one leg
The hut building exercise
Food , I’d never eaten before
Being blind and not standing on a landmine

2. How did you feel when your bag was searched and items confiscated/water tipped out?

Sad for the refugees seeing they lose some of their most precious items
Upsetting they took our food
Nervous and annoyed 
A breach of privacy and sad 
Insecure and worried that Mrs Fannin would find it
Worried about what was going to happen
Anxious if I was going to get through
Annoyed because we needed it, angry
Stupid it wasn’t their stuff and they just threw it away

3. How did it feel to get home yesterday?

Thoughtful that right now when I was in my home refugees were fighting for their lives struggling in a harsh environment and to them I was in luxury
Happy because I was able to eat . Also I could tell my parents what we went through. But real refugees still go through more.
Thankful  to know I have a good shelter and a good life.
Happy because i could eat
Grateful  and realising how much more than some people we have
Happy ,relieved. Sorry for people that go through worse
Amazing, happy to be able to have some real food and upset for the people who had to do what we did for months and months and months
I felt bad for the refugees and also I was very hungry and thankful
I was good because i got to eat some nice food and have a comfortable couch to sit on rather than the ground..I was grateful.
Very weird , odd
Relieved to have some fresh food, knowing it wasn’t rice
It was great being home, amazing to eat great food !
Heaven and relived .Full
Happy to feel comfortable, glad, get to have some proper food 
Happy ,glad to be home
Amazing and very grateful to be home

4. If you lost/misplaced your passport, how did you feel when you realised how important it     was?
Felt annoyed and wished I’d taken better care of it , by keeping it more safe, worried and regretful,sad
I didn’t lose it as I appreciated it was the only thing that could get be places
Scary  but I found it again
Worried and stressed
Life or Death
Very important due to the trouble it caused , then annoyed as I found it again.
Very scared

5. What was the hardest thing being a refugee for the day?

Stuck in lines it was so boring
Tired and having to eat horrible food
Eating awful food and entertaining yourself
Not losing your passport
The tent
Not eating that much
Having one leg
Making up a speech for the application for residency for my whole family
Eating the yuck food
Being blind and not being able to see people
We didn’t get much food and we were hungry for the day.
Knowing that I was sent back instead of the others, wishing I’d had a better job and worked harder at the immigration speech
Walking , definitely walking, my feet were getting sore and my knee was aching.
Walking it felt weird knowing they have to walk so much further,sad
Eating the rice and  knowing thats all they have to eat
Not being able to do much
Having little food

6. What are three interesting things you learnt from the day?

What they go through, making a shelter and importance of a passport
We are so lucky, rice is yuck, refugees have to do this every day
Refugees put up with yuck food, hard to entertain yourself when you have nothing
Look after your passport, you can’t buy food, its hard building a shelter 
How refugees feel , hard work, how to make things with a limit
They don’t eat nice food, they can be there for years, so many people in one camp
I don’t like rice!
How refugees feel, how hard it is to get into a country
That people discriminate against you if you are blind, How some are treated. Imagine a week of it.
All the emotions you go through
They don’t get much food, they can live in the camps for years with lots of others
They walk a lot, don’t eat much 
Being a refugee is hard, you never know whats going to happen next, building shelter with stuff is hard
Long waits 
That some people go through this for years
That a lot of people in the world eat even less than this

That we should be grateful for what we have

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