Sunday 18 August 2019

School Social 2019

Heaps of fun this year with heaps of dancing and good times. August 2019

Life Caravan 2019

Life Caravan

Delaying your decisions when it comes to different types of drugs was the theme this year with a look at the web of addiction.

Literacy circles

Chinese Cinderella literacy circle group  August 2019

 Each has a role which they share every 4 chapters before changing roles. When they can work well as a group and manage themselves it is an efficient and enjoyable way to learn. All self-directed.

Thursday 8 August 2019


Science           Detectives Everywhere 

Fingerprinting to discover the thief of the missing chromebook!!  Who done it ?

Aimee Harrison of course!!    Science all over Term 2 FUN !

Life Skills Repairing a puncture

Life Skills : Repairing a Bike Puncture

The Mighty Walk

The Mighty Walk

Kensington Athletic Park

Tremendous effort from Matai kids in clocking up some serious mileage in an effort to walk the length of NZ .  Not only did they achieve this they achieved reaching Japan! Way to Go KIS !

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Enviro Compost Bins

Compost Bins For KIS

In an effort to reduce pressure on the worm farms, and a need to compost so much vegetation  we have built the below compost bins to manage the problem.

Screen Time

Screen Time Survey . Room 7 2019

An interesting reveal, on how much time students from Room 7 watch a screen. Statistics Term 1 2019


Enviro House Gets a  Concrete  Floor

Young Daniel Anderson shows his skills in wiring together the mesh floor  in anticipation for concrete deliveries from Virgin Kamo Depot. The initial house was started in 2017/18 under the guidelines of the then  Deputy principal  Jo Brown.  This year 2019 we have now pushed ahead and seen its completion with an aim of growing seedlings and proagating natives.

Sunday 28 July 2019

MeAsurement exercises

Making Measurement fun .

Student input planning

Planning as a syndicate on what they want to learning, Student Led planning .

Science pH

Science! Establishing ph levels ...very interesting.

The farm

All the excitement of the farm! A fabulous outdoor education at the Bennetts Farm. Motorbikes, Action Based Activities, Horses, Raft Building and Giant Slides into very muddy brown water!!!Yuk !